Our team.

Scott Miller

Scott Miller


“My wife Meredith and I have been married since 2007 and have three boys, Brody (2012), Bennett (2015), Bishop (2020). I was born and raised in West Virginia and graduated in 2006 from Liberty University with a bachelor degree in Biblical Studies. Upon graduating, I accepted the position of Student & Associate Pastor at New Life Baptist Fellowship in the Fall of 2013. After a few years (2018), God presented an opportunity to transition to the lead pastor while the founding pastor would begin the process of retiring.

I have a strong passion for evangelism and reaching those who may be far from God.  I love to see disciples made, and I’m committed to leading others in living out the great commission.”

Jacob Martin

Jacob Martin

Family Pastor

“I have been married to my beloved wife, Cianne, since 2013. We have three beautiful children: Guy, Leigh, and Faye. I grew up in central Virginia and came to know Jesus as my Savior in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1996. Since then, I have had a passion for church ministry and serving the Lord through His body. My wife and I helped plant a church in Bozeman, Montana in 2014 and I served as their Associate Pastor for 6 years. In March of 2020, we moved to the Upstate and have since found the Lord’s favor in serving as the Family Pastor of New Life Baptist Fellowship. We have been a part of this family since October 2023.

I love playing soccer, reading books (favorites are The Count of Monte Cristo, Life Together, and The Relational Soul), and having great conversations over a cup of coffee. In my free time, you will more than likely find me in my backyard pulling weeds, planting flowers, and playing with my kids.

Please reach out if you’d like to talk about life, Jesus, and the movie Interstellar.”

Hannah Jackson

Hannah Jackson

Children’s Director

“I was born deep in a magical forest to a wonderful family of unicorns. They taught me how to make enchanted snowglobes, complete with glitter and those little rubber feet to help keep them from sliding off a shelf. I was forbidden to eat the glitter even though the temptation was there.

Fast forward to today, I enjoy children and being an instrumental part of their lives, introducing them to Jesus.”

Franklin Hang

Franklin Hang

Media Director

“I am married to my beautiful wife Lindsey have 1 beautiful daughter. I have 2 wonderful parents, 2 siblings (1 older brother and 1 younger sister).

I was born into a Christian family but did not accept Christ into my heart until I was 18. Before accepting Christ, I was playing the game of church. I knew the church answers, I played the part, but didn't truly know Christ. It wasn't until I was 18 in a youth worship service where God began to speak to my heart and softened it I finally accepted Him.

My favorite food is Phở - a Vietnamese soup dish consisting of broth, rice noodles, herbs, and meat, sometimes chicken.

My favorite sports/hobbies are playing musical instruments, soccer & tennis.

I am Hmong (a sub-ethnic group of the Miao people who originated from Central China).”

Summer Campbell

Summer Campbell


“I grew up in a small country church (Clearview Baptist) where I led VBS, sang in choir and played violin. Into my adulthood, I lost my path on my walk, never doubting, just not living the life as I should until my daughter started attending New Life with her grandparents. We had been to another church along the way but didn't feel at home until we started visiting with our daughter at New Life in 2014.

I have been married to my best friend, Pete, for 17 years. We met when I was in high school and although we're a house divided on college football (I bleed orange and purple!) it's one of the biggest blessings in my life. We have 2 children and 1 grandchild (the cutest in the world to be exact).

Before working at New Life, I worked in real estate and health insurance, always wanting to work with and help people is a passion of mine. I enjoy any time with my family but especially on the boat at the lake or beach time. Driving aimlessly and taking in the sights God gave us is something me and Pete like to do. Any other time you can find me at our fire pit, doing crafts, planning events or flipping houses.”